Carucci Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Center is located in Southport North Carolina and is seeing patients by appointment only. Contact Dr. Carucci by email: requesting an appointment.
Dry Needling
This technique utilizes solid filament acupuncture needles to “needle” (part the fibers) of the muscles and other soft tissues to decrease pain and improve fiber alignment and function. Dry needling is often combined with stretching, cold laser and or chiropractic adjustments. This technique is over 60 years old and was originally performed by medical doctors but now is more commonly performed by chiropractors and physical therapists. Dry needling IS NOT Acupuncture. Acupuncture is a 3000 year old health care system – dry needling is a therapy as stated above.
Cold Laser Therapy
Do you enjoy gardening, golf, tennis, knitting, or computing but haven’t been able to participate in these activities? Cold Laser therapy may be the tool you have been waiting for.
This therapy can help the following conditions:
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
Pinched Nerves
New soft tissue injuries: bruise, strain, sprain, disc
Research on this therapy has demonstrated that it can help these conditions.
How it works:
Chronic Injury
Cold laser therapy uses light in the form of a laser to reduce inflammation and stimulate healing. Often times, tendonitis, carpel tunnel syndrome, bursitis etc. have chronic inflammation. What this means is at the level of the cell, the inflammation is “different” than it is when there is a “new” injury. Hence, the healing process is suspended. The application of the cold laser helps to diminish the inflammation which allows the cells to move into a more “normal” phase of repair and regeneration thus allowing healing. The rehabilitative process can then continue with flexibility and strengthening and restoration of normal activities including hobbies and sporting activities.
New Injury
Cold laser therapy also works on new injuries by decreasing the inflammation and keeping the area of injury to a minimum and stimulating the cells to repair.
Whole Body Vibration
This technology comes to us from the Russian Space Program. Back in the 1970′s and 80′s the Russians realized that the cosmonauts lost significant amounts of bone density and muscle mass while in space. They invented the Whole Body Vibration system to stimulate bone and muscle density and mass. Since this invention, many others now enjoy increased bone density, training and conditioning, injury rehabilitation and even weight loss. There is some evidence that WBV can be helpful for those with depression. Call us today to learn how you can have access to this technology.
The CT Wellness Institute
The CT Wellness Institute is now sharing space with Carucci Chiropractic Center. The CT Wellness Institute is a holistic health company committed to bringing it’s patrons holistic services, products and classes that unite the body, mind and spirit.
Ionic Cell Cleanse Foot Baths
The Rife Energy Wellness Machine Massage Therapy
Nutritional Consultation
Rolling Massage Therapy
Whole Body Vibration
Holistic Life Coaching
Dry Needling
Theraputic Cupping
Shape ReClaimed anti-inflammatory, immune re-setting, weight loss program
Products: Vitamins, minerals, herbs
Cervical Spine Pillows
Back Supports
Ice Packs
Ice Chips
Shape ReClaimed approved salad dressing, soap and coconut oil
Rehabilitation, KinesoTape, Spider Tech Tape
Our office will features a rehabilitation room for injury rehabilitation, core stabilization and cardiovascular exercise. Please consider us for your rehabilitation needs. We also utilize the Japanese taping technique known as Kinesio tape and Spider Tech Taping to aid in lymphatic drainage, injury stabilization and neuromuscular re-education. Call Dr. Carucci today to see if you are a candidate for this taping therapy.
Cupping is a technique which improves circulation, lymphatic drainage and decreases inflammation. Additionally it stretches the deep tissues and helps stimulate the healing response in stubborn cases.