As long as you like! How much chiropractic care you receive is entirely based on your personal goals regarding well being for yourself and/or your family. We do our best at Carucci Chiropractic Center to make this clear from your first visit to our office. Our goal is different than that of other “health care” providers. We don’t try to reduce your discomfort on a temporary basis. Our efforts are directed at “maximizing” the natural process of life expression/innate potential.
Most people in our society do not have a clear set of goals or expectations for their own well-being, and therefore depend on others to set their goals for them. This concept seems to be appropriate in the medical/mechanistic environment in which most of us were raised. In the “traditional medical setting” the responsibility of deciding if and when we are “cured,” or no longer “sick” is in the hands of an “expert,” the doctor. In our office you are part of the expert team.” We make recommendations for chiropractic care, and you decide how much of that care you want. In chiropractic we are not putting a name to a group of symptoms so as to diagnose a “disease” that requires treatment. We are providing an opportunity for your body to more fully express its potential for normal function, which can actually be, at times, the expression of symptoms. We work with the vitalistic philosophy for health and well-being.
It has been said that in life, it is not the destination but the journey that matters. This statement is very much in line with the philosophy of chiropractic. You would never consider it to be sensible to plan an exercise or nutritional program for better health with the concept of sticking with if for 2 or 3 months. Yes, in that period of time you would probably be feeling better to some degree. But you would know that the purpose of entering that program is not just to feel a little better for a while and then go back to your old sedentary ways or poor nutrition. The idea would be to increase your overall health and well-being to ensure a higher quality of life as well as a longer one.
The same concept underlies chiropractic. Our goal is to enliven the journey of your life. You will of course decide your own goals in life. Are you only concerned with temporary relief of symptoms until the next time you are experiencing a health problem? Although that may sound foolish, it is the reality for many people in terms of their health goals. If that is all you care about, then you will discontinue care. If that is your choice, we ask only that you are clear about that with us from the beginning so that we can provide the type of care that will help you meet that goal. Whether that makes sense to us is not the concern. Supporting your personal goals is our desire. We will always be here and ready to assist you should you decide that you desire chiropractic care in the future.
On the other hand, if your personal/family goals for well being include supporting your body’s natural ability for optimal performance physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, then your path is clear. The entire underlying purpose of chiropractic care is to remove any interference from the one system in your body that is responsible for allowing that potential to fully express itself. That system is of course the neuromusculoskeletal system. That is why whether you are “sick or symptomatic has no real bearing on whether you need an adjustment. You should be getting checked regularly and adjusted as needed as part of your regular program of working toward optimal health and performance. If that is your goal, then regular chiropractic care for a lifetime of well-being, just makes sense.
The most important thing to remember is, whatever your goals are, we are here to serve you with the highest quality of chiropractic care available to meet your needs.